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                Paying close attention to industry trends, we will provide you with the latest information on open source logistics for the first time.

                Products & Services

                The professional team is committed to provide reliable service to all of our valuable clients, we have every good relationship with many carriers in various ports . Our agency network covers major ports of the world and offering competitive and efficient services at the final destination.

                Sea Transportation

                NVOCC & NEUTRAL
                IMPORT & EXPORT PROVIDER

                Railway Transportation

                China EU Railway
                LCL/FCL Provider

                Air Transportation

                Back-to-Back / Direct Consignment
                Pick up & Delivery services

                Inland Transportation

                EX-WORK/PICK UP/DDP/DDU


                Can undertake dangerous goods LCL business exported to more than 400 destinations in the world

                About Us

                Global import and export LCL service network.

                Committed to providing trustworthy services to our customers.

                One of China's most potential and powerful LCL companies and logistics companies.

                With Shanghai as its headquarters, we have several branch companies in Tianjin, Qingdao,Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.


                Founded in 2000.


                More than 180 countries.


                There are nearly 500 global import and export routes.
